
Stephanie Wachman

President, Symetree Strategies

Stephanie is an international speaker, author, Fortune 500 executive coach and strategist who works with organizations and firms to create more efficient work environments through her coaching, training, and consulting services. She is a recognized voice and a thought leader in the areas of business development, firm strategy, productivity and stress management.  Her approach to managing time, stress, energy, and distractions produces tangible results for those struggling to make the most of their work and personal lives.

Working with Stephanie, clients gain new insights about themselves through one-on-one coaching, assessments, 360 feedback, thought-provoking questions, self-observation, reflection and practice. They increase awareness of their impact on others and develop the capacity to make and sustain the changes they desire.

Based in Denver, Colorado, Stephanie is fluent in French. She is committed to the highest standards of confidentiality, professionalism, integrity and is past president of the International Coach Federation, Colorado Chapter. Her hobbies include skiing, mountain biking, cooking and hiking- but especially hanging out with her husband and two boys.

10:00 AM - 12:00PM

Thursday April, 18th Day 3

Motivational Maps Session

Unlock the map to your world with Motivational Maps®. Your happiness and success at work are closely tied to the fulfillment of your core 'Motivations,' which are deeply rooted in your self-concept, beliefs, expectations, and personality. These Motivations aren't conscious choices; they naturally emerge. Just as in life, we don't create motivations; we uncover them. It's crucial to align with your Motivations to build solid foundations and foster a focused, high-performing team

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Thursday April, 18th Day 3

Team Performance & Change Readiness

In this dynamic workshop on team performance and change readiness, you'll uncover whether your team is prepared for change and discover strategies to elevate their performance. By participating in interactive exercises, engaging in group discussions, and delving into real-life case studies, you'll gain a profound understanding of high-performing teams and their ability to adapt and excel in challenging circumstances. This workshop empowers you to think strategically, embrace a growth mindset, foster psychological safety, and employ creative problem-solving techniques within your team, ultimately enhancing your capacity for problem-solving, strategic thinking, and positive collaboration to drive corporate growth.